+++ /dev/null
-SELF=`which "$0"`
-DIR=`dirname "$SELF"`
-cd "$DIR"
-cd ..
-# Step 1: make sure it is distribution-ready
-echo "Ensure that you run preparedist.sh before makedist.sh to ensure"
-echo "that all files are up-to-date"
-# Step 2: determine version
-echo "Determining version..."
-VERSION=`grep VERSION hdrs/version.h | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/'`
-BRANCH=`grep VBRANCH hdrs/version.h | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/'`
-echo "Version is $VERSION, branch is $BRANCH"
-# Step 3: copy everything into a temporary directory
-TMPDIR=`mktemp -d "cobramush.dist.XXXXXX"`
-cd "$TMPDIR"
-mkdir cobramush
-split -l 50 "$WD/MANIFEST"
-for i in x?? ; do
- for j in `cat $i` ; do
- mkdir -p cobramush/`dirname "$j"`
- cp "$WD/$j" cobramush/`dirname "$j"`
- done
-rm x??
-# Step 4: make tarball
-echo "Making tarball..."
-if [ "$BRANCH" = "release" ]; then
-tar -czf "$WD/$TARBALL" cobramush
-# Step 5: clean up
-echo "Cleaning up..."
-cd "$WD"
-rm -r "$TMPDIR"
-echo "$TARBALL created"
+++ /dev/null
-SELF=`which "$0"`
-DIR=`dirname "$SELF"`
-cd "$DIR"
-cd ..
-# Step 1: run metaconfig
-echo "Running metaconfig to generate Configure and config_h.SH..."
-metaconfig -M
-# Step 2: generate changes.txt
-echo "Generating changes.txt..."
-( cd game/txt && ruby genchanges.rb )
-# Step 3: index help files
-echo "Indexing help, news, and events..."
-cd game/txt
-for i in hlp nws evt ; do
- cd $i
- rm -f index.$i
- cat *.$i | perl ../index-files.pl > index.$i
- cd ..
-cd ../..
--- /dev/null
+SELF=`which "$0"`
+DIR=`dirname "$SELF"`
+cd "$DIR"
+cd ..
+# Step 1: make sure it is distribution-ready
+echo "Ensure that you run preparedist.sh before makedist.sh to ensure"
+echo "that all files are up-to-date"
+# Step 2: determine version
+echo "Determining version..."
+VERSION=`grep VERSION hdrs/version.h | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/'`
+BRANCH=`grep VBRANCH hdrs/version.h | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/'`
+echo "Version is $VERSION, branch is $BRANCH"
+# Step 3: copy everything into a temporary directory
+TMPDIR=`mktemp -d "cobramush.dist.XXXXXX"`
+cd "$TMPDIR"
+mkdir cobramush
+split -l 50 "$WD/MANIFEST"
+for i in x?? ; do
+ for j in `cat $i` ; do
+ mkdir -p cobramush/`dirname "$j"`
+ cp "$WD/$j" cobramush/`dirname "$j"`
+ done
+rm x??
+# Step 4: make tarball
+echo "Making tarball..."
+if [ "$BRANCH" = "release" ]; then
+tar -czf "$WD/$TARBALL" cobramush
+# Step 5: clean up
+echo "Cleaning up..."
+cd "$WD"
+rm -r "$TMPDIR"
+echo "$TARBALL created"
--- /dev/null
+SELF=`which "$0"`
+DIR=`dirname "$SELF"`
+cd "$DIR"
+cd ..
+# Step 1: run metaconfig
+echo "Running metaconfig to generate Configure and config_h.SH..."
+metaconfig -M
+# Step 2: generate changes.txt
+echo "Generating changes.txt..."
+( cd game/txt && ruby genchanges.rb )
+# Step 3: index help files
+echo "Indexing help, news, and events..."
+cd game/txt
+for i in hlp nws evt ; do
+ cd $i
+ rm -f index.$i
+ cat *.$i | perl ../index-files.pl > index.$i
+ cd ..
+cd ../..