& Entries
- " #lambda $-commands
- $-commands2 % %!
- %# %: %n
- %~ + 1.50p6
+ ^ ; :
+ " ] @@
+ @@() \ %
+ %~ %: %!
+ %# + 1.50p6
1.50p7 1.50p8 1.50p9
1.50p10 1.50p11 1.50p12
1.50p13 1.50p14 1.50pdune1
1.6.2p1 1.6.3p0 1.6.3p1
1.6.3p2 1.6.3p3 1.6.3p4
1.6.3p5 1.6.3p6 1.6.3p7
- 1.6.4p0 1.6.4p1 1.6.4p2
For more, see Entries-2
& Entries-2
+ 1.6.4p0 1.6.4p1 1.6.4p2
1.6.5p0 1.6.5p1 1.6.5p2
1.6.5p3 1.6.5p4 1.6.6p0
1.6.7p0 1.6.7p1 1.6.7p2
1.7.0p11 1.7.1p0 1.7.1p1
1.7.1p2 1.7.1p3 1.7.2p0
1.7.2p1 1.7.2p2 1.7.2p3
- 1.7.2p4 1.7.2p5 1.7.2p6
For more, see Entries-3
& Entries-3
+ 1.7.2p4 1.7.2p5 1.7.2p6
1.7.2p7 1.7.2p8 1.7.2p9
1.7.2p10 1.7.2p11 1.7.2p12
1.7.2p13 1.7.2p14 1.7.2p15
1.7.3p7 1.7.3p8 1.7.3p9
1.7.3p10 1.7.3p11 1.7.3p12
1.7.3p13 1.7.3p14 1.7.4p0
- 1.7.4p1 1.7.4p2 1.7.4p3
For more, see Entries-4
& Entries-4
+ 1.7.4p1 1.7.4p2 1.7.4p3
1.7.4p4 1.7.4p5 1.7.4p6
1.7.4p7 1.7.4p8 1.7.4p9
1.7.4p10 1.7.4p11 1.7.4p12
1.7.6p6 1.7.6p7 1.7.6p8
1.7.6p9 1.7.6p10 1.7.6p11
1.7.6p12 1.7.6p13 1.7.6p14
- 1.7.6p15 1.7.6p16 1.7.7p0
For more, see Entries-5
& Entries-5
+ 1.7.6p15 1.7.6p16 1.7.7p0
1.7.7p1 1.7.7p2 1.7.7p3
1.7.7p4 1.7.7p5 1.7.7p6
1.7.7p7 1.7.7p8 1.7.7p9
1.7.7p22 1.7.7p23 1.7.7p24
1.7.7p25 1.7.7p26 1.7.7p26
1.7.7p27 1.7.7p28 1.7.7p29
- 1.7.7p30 1.7.7p31 :
- ; @-attributes @-building
- @-director @-general @@
- @@() @aahear @abuy
- @aclone @aconnect @adescribe
- @adestroy @adisconnect @adrop
+ 1.7.7p30 1.7.7p31 1.8.0p0
+ 1.8.0p1 1.8.0p2 1.8.0p3
+ 1.8.0p4 1.8.0p5 1.8.0p6
+ 1.8.0p7 1.8.0p8 1.8.0p9
+ 1.8.0p10 1.8.0p11 1.8.0p12
For more, see Entries-6
& Entries-6
- @aefail @aenter @afailure
- @afollow @agive @ahear
- @aidescribe @aleave @alfail
- @alias @allhalt @allquota
- @amhear @amove @announce
- @apayment @areceive @asuccess
- @atport @atrchown @atrlock
- @attribute @aufail @aunfollow
- @aunidle @ause @away
- @azenter @azleave @boot
- @break @buy @cemit
- @channel @channel2 @channel3
- @channel4 @channel5 @charges
- @chat @chown @chownall
- @chzone @chzone2 @chzoneall
- @clock @clock2 @clone
+ 1.8.0p13 %2 %3
+ %4 @aahear abode
+ abs() @abuy accent()
+ accent2 accent3 accent4
+ accname() @aclone @aconnect
+ acos() action2 action lists
+ add() @adescribe @adestroy
+ @adisconnect @adrop @aefail
+ @aenter @afailure @afollow
+ after() agenda @agive
+ @ahear ahelp @aidescribe
+ @aleave @alfail @alias
+ alias() align() align2
+ @allhalt allof() @allquota
+ alphamax() alphamin() @amhear
+ @amove ancestors and()
For more, see Entries-7
& Entries-7
- @command @command2 @command3
- @comment @config @config attribs
- @config chat @config cmds @config cosmetic
- @config cosmetic2 @config costs @config db
- @config dump @config funcs @config limits
- @config limits2 @config limits3 @config log
- @config net @config parameters @config tiny
- @conformat @cost @cpattr
- @create @dannounce @dbck
- @decompile @decompile2 @decompile3
- @descformat @describe @destroy
- @destroy2 @dig @dig2
- @disable @division @doing
- @dolist @drain @drop
- @dump @ealias @edit
- @efail @elock @emit
+ andflags() andlflags() anews
+ @announce anonymous2 anonymous3
+ anonymous4 anonymous attributes ansi
+ ansi() @apayment aposs()
+ @areceive art() @asdin
+ @asdout asin() @assert
+ @asuccess atan() atan2()
+ @atport @atrchown @atrlock
+ atrlock() attrcnt() attrib-ownership
+ attrib_set() @attribute attribute flags
+ attribute functions attribute list @-attributes
+ attributes attributes2 attributes3
+ attributes4 attributes list attribute trees
+ attribute trees2 attribute trees3 attribute trees4
+ attr trees attr trees2 attr trees3
+ attr trees4 audible audible2
For more, see Entries-8
& Entries-8
- @empower @enable @enter
- @entrances @eunlock @exitformat
- @failure @filter @filter2
- @find @firstexit @flag
- @flag2 @follow @force
- @force2 @forwardlist @function
- @function2 @function3 @function4
- @gedit @give @grep2
- @grep @halt @haven
- @hide @hook @hook2
- @idescformat @idescribe @idle
- @infilter @inprefix @kick
- @lalias @lastactivity @leave
- @lemit @level @lfail
- @link @list @listen
- @listen2 @listmotd @lock
+ @aufail @aunfollow @aunidle
+ @ause auth_parent @away
+ @azenter @azleave band()
+ baseconv() beep() before()
+ bitwise functions bnand() bnot()
+ boolean2 boolean3 boolean functions
+ boolean values @boot bor()
+ bound() brackets() @break
+ break() brief builder
+ @-building @buy buy
+ bxor() cand() capstr()
+ case() caseall() cat()
+ cbuffer() cd cdesc()
+ ceil() @cemit cemit()
+ center() cflags() ch
+ changes @channel @channel2
For more, see Entries-9
& Entries-9
- @lock2 @lock3 @lock4
- @lock5 @lock6 @lock7
- @lock8 @lock9 @log
- @logwipe @lset @map2
- @mail @malias @malias2
- @malias3 @malias4 @malias5
- @map @motd @move
- @mvattr @name @nameaccent
- @nameformat @newpassword @notify
- @nsemit @nslemit @nsoemit
- @nspemit @nsremit @nszemit
- @nuke @obuy @odescribe
- @odrop @oefail @oemit
- @oenter @ofailure @ofollow
- @ogive @oidescribe @oleave
- @olfail @omove @opayment
+ @channel3 @channel4 @channel5
+ channel functions channel-list channels()
+ @charges @chat chat
+ checkpass() children() @chown
+ @chownall chown_ok chr()
+ @chzone @chzone2 @chzoneall
+ clflags() clients @clock
+ clock() @clock2 @clone
+ clone() cloudy cmds()
+ cmsgs() cobramush code
+ color @command @command2
+ @command3 $-commands commands
+ $-commands2 @comment communication functions
+ comp() comsys con()
+ @config config() @config attribs
+ @config chat @config cmds @config cosmetic
For more, see Entries-10
& Entries-10
- @open @oreceive @osuccess
- @otport @oufail @ounfollow
- @ouse @oxenter @oxleave
- @oxmove @oxtport @ozenter
- @ozleave @parent @password
- @payment @pcreate @pemit
- @pemit2 @poll @poor
- @power @powergroup2 @powergroup
- @prefix @pricelist @program
- @ps @purge @quota
- @readcache @receive @reclass
- @recycle @rejectmotd @remit
- @restart @runout @rwall
- @scan @search @search2
- @search3 @select @set
- @sex @shutdown @sitelock
+ @config cosmetic2 @config costs @config db
+ @config dump @config funcs @config limits
+ @config limits2 @config limits3 @config log
+ @config net @config parameters @config tiny
+ @conformat conn() connected
+ connection functions contact control
+ controls() convsecs() convtime()
+ convutcsecs() copyright copyrite
+ cor() cos() @cost
+ costs cowner() @cpattr
+ @create create() credits
+ @cron @cron2 @cron3
+ cstatus() ctime() ctitle()
+ ctu() cusers() cv
+ cwho() @dannounce dark
+ dark2 database @dbck
For more, see Entries-11
& Entries-11
- @sitelock2 @sitelock3 @sql
- @squota @startup @stats
- @su @success @sweep
- @switch @switch2 @teleport
- @tport @trigger @trigger2
- @ufail @ulock @undestroy
- @unfollow @unlink @unlock
- @unrecycle @uptime @uptime2
- @use @uunlock @verb
- @verb2 @verb3 @verb4
- @version @vrml_url @wait
- @wait2 @wall @warnings
- @warnings2 @warnings3 @wcheck
- @whereis @wipe @wizmotd
- @wizwall @zemit @zenter
- @zleave \ ]
+ dbref # dbref2 dbref functions
+ dbref number dbrefs debug
+ debug2 @debugforwardlist dec()
+ @decompile @decompile2 @decompile3
+ decompose() decrypt() default()
+ delete() @descformat @describe
+ desert @destroy @destroy2
+ destroy_ok die() @dig
+ dig() @dig2 digest()
+ @-director @disable dismiss
+ dist2d() dist3d() div()
+ @division division division()
+ division commands division credits division functions
+ division powers division powers2 division powers3
+ division system division tutorial division tutorial2
+ division tutorial3 divscope divscope()
For more, see Entries-12
& Entries-12
- ^ abode abs()
- accent() accent2 accent3
- accent4 accname() acos()
- action lists action2 add()
- after() agenda ahelp
- align() align2 allof()
- alphamax() alphamin() ancestors
- and() andflags() andlflags()
- anews anonymous attributes anonymous2
- anonymous3 anonymous4 ansi
- ansi() aposs() art()
- asin() atan() atan2()
- atrlock() attr trees attr trees2
- attr trees3 attr trees4 attrcnt()
- attrib-ownership attribute flags attribute functions
- attribute list attribute trees attribute trees2
+ @doing doing doing()
+ @dolist downdiv() download
+ @drain @drop drop
+ drop-tos @dump dynhelp()
+ e() @ealias edefault()
+ @edit edit() @efail
+ element() elements() elist()
+ @elock elock() @emit
+ emit() empire() empire objects
+ @empower empty @enable
+ enactor encrypt() endtag()
+ @enter enter enter_ok
+ @entrances entrances() eq()
+ escape() etimefmt() etimefmt2
+ etimefmt3 @eunlock eval()
+ evaluation2 evaluation order events
For more, see Entries-13
& Entries-13
- attribute trees3 attribute trees4 attributes
- attributes list attributes2 attributes3
- attributes4 audible audible2
- band() baseconv() beep()
- before() bitwise functions bnand()
- bnot() boolean functions boolean values
- boolean2 boolean3 bor()
- bound() brackets() break()
- brief builder buy
- bxor() cand() capstr()
- case() caseall() cat()
- cd ceil() cemit()
- center() cflags() ch
- changes channel functions channel-list
- channels() chat checkpass()
- children() chown_ok chr()
+ examine executor exit()
+ @exitformat exits exits2
+ exp() extract() @failure
+ failure fdiv() @filter
+ filter() @filter2 filterbool()
+ @find findable() first()
+ @firstexit firstof() fixed
+ @flag @flag2 flag list
+ flag permissions flags flags()
+ flags2 flags list flip()
+ floating floor() floordiv()
+ fmod() fold() fold2
+ folderstats() @follow follow
+ followers() following() @force
+ @force2 foreach() foreach2
+ @forwardlist fraction() fullalias()
For more, see Entries-14
& Entries-14
- clients clock() clone()
- cloudy cmds() cobramush
- code color commands
- communication functions comp() comsys
- con() config() conn()
- connected connection functions contact
- control controls() convsecs()
- convtime() convutcsecs() copyright
- copyrite cor() cos()
- costs cowner() create()
- credits ctime() ctitle()
- ctu() cv cwho()
- dark dark2 database
- dbref # dbref functions dbref number
- dbref2 dbrefs debug
- debug2 dec() decrypt()
+ fullname() @function @function2
+ @function3 @function4 function list
+ functions functions() functions2
+ gagged @gedit gender
+ @-general get get()
+ get_eval() @give give
+ global commands globals go
+ going goto grab()
+ graball() @grep2 @grep
+ grep() gt() gte()
+ guests @halt halt
+ hasattr() hasattrp() hasattrpval()
+ hasattrval() hasdivpower() hasflag()
+ haspower() haspowergroup() hastype()
+ @haven haven height()
+ here hidden() @hide
For more, see Entries-15
& Entries-15
- default() delete() desert
- destroy_ok die() dig()
- digest() dismiss dist2d()
- dist3d() div() division
- division commands division credits division functions
- division powers division powers2 division powers3
- division system division tutorial division tutorial2
- division tutorial3 division() divscope
- divscope() doing doing()
- downdiv() download drop
- drop-tos dynhelp() e()
- edefault() edit() element()
- elements() elist() elock()
- emit() empire objects empire()
- empty enactor encrypt()
- endtag() enter enter_ok
+ home home() homes
+ @hook @hook2 host()
+ hostname() html html()
+ html functions i18n icfuncs
+ @idescformat @idescribe @idle
+ idle idle() idle_average()
+ idlesecs() idle_total() if()
+ ifelse() ilev() iname()
+ inc() index index()
+ indiv() indivall() @infilter
+ info information functions informative topics
+ inherit inheritable @inprefix
+ insert() interiors interiors2
+ internationalization inum() inventory
+ @invformat ipaddr() isdaylight()
+ isdbref() isint() isnum()
For more, see Entries-16
& Entries-16
- entrances() eq() escape()
- etimefmt() etimefmt2 etimefmt3
- eval() evaluation order evaluation2
- events examine executor
- exit() exits exits2
- exp() extract() failure
- fdiv() filter() filterbool()
- findable() first() firstof()
- fixed flag list flag permissions
- flags flags list flags()
- flags2 flip() floating
- floor() floordiv() fmod()
- fold() fold2 folderstats()
- follow followers() following()
- foreach() foreach2 fraction()
- fullname() function list functions
+ isword() itemize() items()
+ iter() iter2 itext()
+ join jump_ok jury_ok
+ @kick kickass kickass credits
+ @lalias #lambda lambda
+ last() @lastactivity lastip
+ last & lastlogout lastsite lattr()
+ lcon() lcstr() ldelete()
+ @leave leave left()
+ @lemit lemit() @level
+ level() lexits() @lfail
+ lflags() license light
+ @link link() linking
+ link_ok @list list()
+ @listen @listen2 listening
+ listening2 listening3 listen_parent
For more, see Entries-17
& Entries-17
- functions() functions2 gagged
- gender get get()
- get_eval() give global commands
- globals go going
- goto grab() graball()
- grep() gt() gte()
- guests halt hasattr()
- hasattrp() hasattrpval() hasattrval()
- hasdivpower() hasflag() haspower()
- haspowergroup() hastype() haven
- height() help here
- hidden() home home()
- homes host() hostname()
- html html functions html()
- i18n icfuncs idle
- idle() idle_average() idle_total()
+ list functions @listmotd lists
+ lit() ljust() lmath()
+ ln() lnum() loc()
+ locale localize() locate()
+ locate2 @lock lock()
+ @lock2 @lock3 @lock4
+ @lock5 @lock6 @lock7
+ @lock8 @lock9 locking
+ lock list locklist locks
+ lock types locktypes lock types2
+ locktypes2 @log log()
+ logout @logwipe look
+ look2 looping lparent()
+ lplayers() lports() lpos()
+ lsearch() lsearch2 lsearchr()
+ @lset lstats() lt()
For more, see Entries-18
& Entries-18
- idlesecs() if() ifelse()
- ilev() iname() inc()
- index index() indiv()
- indivall() info information functions
- informative topics inherit inherit2
- insert() interiors interiors2
- internationalization inum() inventory
- ipaddr() isdaylight() isdbref()
- isint() isnum() isword()
- itemize() items() iter()
- iter2 itext() join
- judge jump_ok jury_ok
- kickass kickass credits know
- know administration know functions know system
- lambda last & lastlogout last()
- lastip lastsite lattr()
+ lte() lvcon() lvexits()
+ lvplayers() lwho() @map2
+ macros macros2 @mail
+ mail mail() mail-admin
+ maildstats() @mailfilter mailfilter
+ mail-folders mail-forward @mailforwardlist
+ mailfrom() mailfstats() mail functions
+ mail-other mail-reading mail-sending
+ mailstats() mailstatus() mailsubject()
+ mailtime() @malias @malias2
+ @malias3 @malias4 @malias5
+ @map map() mapsql()
+ mapsql2 master room match()
+ matchall() matching math functions
+ max() me mean()
+ median() member() merge()
For more, see Entries-19
& Entries-19
- lcon() lcstr() ldelete()
- leave left() lemit()
- level() lexits() lflags()
- license light link()
- link_ok linking list functions
- list() listen_parent listening
- listening2 listening3 lists
- lit() ljust() lmath()
- ln() lnum() loc()
- locale localize() locate()
- locate2 lock list lock types
- lock types2 lock() locking
- locklist locks locktypes
- locktypes2 log() logout
- look look2 looping
- lparent() lplayers() lports()
+ mid() min() mistrust
+ mix() mix2 mod()
+ modulo() modulus() money
+ money() monitor mortal
+ @motd @move move
+ mtime() mudname() mul()
+ multi-guests munge() munge2
+ munge3 mushcode mushcode2
+ mushcode topics @mvattr mwho()
+ myopic %n @name
+ name() @nameaccent @nameformat
+ namegrab() namegraball() nand()
+ nattr() nchildren() nearby()
+ neq() newbie newbie2
+ newbie3 new locks @newpassword
+ news next() nlsearch()
For more, see Entries-20
& Entries-20
- lpos() lsearch() lsearch2
- lsearchr() lstats() lt()
- lte() lvcon() lvexits()
- lvplayers() lwho() macros
- macros2 mail mail functions
- mail() mail-admin mail-folders
- mail-other mail-reading mail-sending
- maildstats() mailfrom() mailfstats()
- mailstats() mailstatus() mailsubject()
- mailtime() map() master room
- match() matchall() matching
- math functions max() me
- mean() median() member()
- merge() mid() min()
- mistrust mix() mix2
- mod() modulo() modulus()
+ noaccents no_command no_leave
+ noleave non-standard attributes nor()
+ nospoof not() no_tel
+ @notify no_warn nowarn
+ nsearch() @nsemit @nslemit
+ @nsoemit @nspemit @nsremit
+ @nszemit @nuke null()
+ num() obj() object parents
+ objeval() objid() objmem()
+ @obuy @odescribe @odrop
+ @oefail @oemit oemit()
+ @oenter @ofailure @ofollow
+ @ogive @oidescribe @oleave
+ @olfail @omove on-vacation
+ opaque @opayment @open
+ open() or() ord()
For more, see Entries-21
& Entries-21
- money money() monitor
- mortal move mtime()
- mudname() mul() multi-guests
- munge() munge2 munge3
- mushcode mushcode topics mushcode2
- mwho() myopic name()
- nand() nattr() nearby()
- neq() new locks newbie
- newbie2 newbie3 news
- next() no_command no_leave
- no_tel no_warn noaccents
- noleave non-standard attributes nor()
- nospoof not() nowarn
- null() num() obj()
- object parents objeval() objid()
- objmem() oemit() on-vacation
+ ordinal() @oreceive orflags()
+ orlflags() orphan @osuccess
+ @otport @oufail @ounfollow
+ @ouse outputprefix outputsuffix
+ owner() @oxenter @oxleave
+ @oxmove @oxtport @ozenter
+ @ozleave page page2
+ paranoid @parent parent
+ parent() parents parents2
+ parents3 parents4 parents5
+ parse() @password patchlevels
+ @payment @pcreate pcreate()
+ @pemit pemit() @pemit2
+ pennmush changes pennmush credits pghaspower()
+ pgpowers() pi() pickrand()
+ player playermem() pmatch()
For more, see Entries-22
& Entries-22
- opaque open() or()
- ord() orflags() orlflags()
- orphan outputprefix outputsuffix
- owner() page page2
- paranoid parent parent()
- parents parents2 parents3
- parents4 parents5 parse()
- patchlevels pcreate() pemit()
- pennmush changes pennmush credits pi()
- pickrand() player playermem()
- pmatch() poll() ports()
- pos() pose pose2
- poss() pow_inherit power types
- power yescodes power() powergroups()
- powers list powers list2 powers list3
- powers() powers2 powers3
+ @poll poll() @poor
+ ports() pos() pose
+ pose2 poss() @power
+ power() @powergroup2 @powergroup3
+ @powergroup powergroups() powers()
+ powers2 powers3 powers list
+ powers list2 powers list3 power types
+ power yescodes pow_inherit powover()
+ @prefix @pricelist privilege
+ @program program() @program2
+ @program3 @prompt prompt()
+ @ps pueblo pueblo()
+ pueblo features puppet puppets
+ puppets2 @purge %q0
+ %q1 %q2 %q3
+ %q4 %q5 %q6
For more, see Entries-23
& Entries-23
- powover() privilege program()
- pueblo pueblo features pueblo()
- puppet puppets puppets2
+ %q7 %q8 %q9
+ %qa %qb %qc
+ %qd %qe %qf
+ %qg %qh %qi
+ %qj %qk %ql
+ %qm %qn %qo
+ %qp %qq %qr
+ %qs %qt %qu
queue quiet quit
- quitprog() quota() r()
- r-function rand() randword()
- read recv() regedit()
+ quitprog() @quota quota()
+ %qv %qw %qx
+ %qy %qz r()
+ rand() randword() read
+ @readcache @receive @reclass
+ recv() @recycle regedit()
regeditall() regeditalli() regediti()
- regexp regexp classes regexp classes2
- regexp examples regexp syntax regexp syntax2
- regexp syntax3 regexp syntax4 regexp syntax5
- regexp syntax6 regexp syntax7 regexp syntax8
- regexps regexps2 registers
- registers2 regmatch() regmatchi()
- regrab() regraball() regraballi()
- regrabi() regrep()
For more, see Entries-24
& Entries-24
- regular expression functions remainder()
- remit() remove() repeat()
- replace() rest() restarts()
+ regexp regexp classes regexp classes2
+ regexp examples regexps regexps2
+ regexp syntax regexp syntax2 regexp syntax3
+ regexp syntax4 regexp syntax5 regexp syntax6
+ regexp syntax7 regexp syntax8 registers
+ registers2 regmatch() regmatchi()
+ regrab() regraball() regraballi()
+ regrabi() regrep()
+ regular expression functions @rejectmotd
+ remainder() @remit remit()
+ remove() repeat() replace()
+ rest() @restart restarts()
restarttime() restrict restrict2
restrict3 reswitch() reswitchall()
reswitchalli() reswitchi() reverse()
- revwords() right() rjust()
- rloc() rnum() room
- room() root() round()
- royalty rquota rules
- s() s-@announce s-@dannounce
- s-@reclass s-function s-join
- s-summon safe say
- scan() score scramble()
- screenheight screenwidth search()
- search2 secs() secure()
+ revwords() r-function right()
For more, see Entries-25
& Entries-25
- semaphores semaphores2 semaphores3
- semaphores4 semaphores5 semaphores6
- semipose sent() session
- set() setdiff() setinter()
- setq() setq2 setq3
- setr() setting-attributes setunion()
- sex sha0() shared
- shared players shared players2 shl()
- shr() shuffle() sign()
- signal() sin() softcode
- sort() sortby() soundex()
- soundex2 soundlike() soundslike()
- space() spellnum() splice()
- spoofing sql functions sql()
- sqlescape() sqrt() squish()
- ssl() stack starttime()
+ rjust() rloc() rnum()
+ room room() root()
+ round() royalty rquota
+ rules @runout @rwall
+ s() safe s-@announce
+ say @scan scan()
+ score scramble() screenheight
+ screenwidth @sd s-@dannounce
+ @sdin @sdout @search
+ search() @search2 search2
+ @search3 secs() secure()
+ @select semaphores semaphores2
+ semaphores3 semaphores4 semaphores5
+ semaphores6 semipose sent()
+ session @set set()
+ setdiff() setinter() setq()
For more, see Entries-26
& Entries-26
- stats() stddev() step2
- step() sticky strcat()
- string functions strings strinsert()
- stripaccents() stripansi() strlen()
- strmatch() strreplace() sub()
- subj() substitutions substitutions2
- substitutions3 substitutions4 success
- summon suspect switch wildcards
- switch() switch2 switchall()
- switches t() table()
- tag() tagwrap() take
- tan() teach tel()
- tel_ok temple terminfo()
- terse textfile() think
- time functions time() timefmt()
- timefmt2 timestring() topics2
+ setq2 setq3 setr()
+ setting-attributes setunion() @sex
+ sex s-function sha0()
+ shared shared players shared players2
+ shl() shr() shuffle()
+ @shutdown sign() signal()
+ sin() @sitelock @sitelock2
+ @sitelock3 s-join softcode
+ sort() sortby() sortkey()
+ soundex() soundex2 soundlike()
+ soundslike() space() spellnum()
+ splice() spoofing @sql
+ sql() sqlescape() sql functions
+ sqrt() squish() @squota
+ s-@reclass ssl() s-summon
+ stack starttime() @startup
For more, see Entries-27
& Entries-27
- topicszq tr() translation
- transparent transparent2 trigger()
- trim() trunc() trust
- trust2 type() types of objects
- types2 u() u2
- ucstr() udefault() ufun()
- ufun2 uldefault() ulocal()
- ulocal2 unfindable unfollow
- unidle_times() uninspected unregistered
- updiv() use user-defined commands
- user-defined2 utctime() utility functions
- v() v-function vadd()
- val() valid() vcross()
- vdim() vdot() verbose
- verbs version() visible()
- visual vmag() vmax()
+ @stats stats() stddev()
+ step2 step() sticky
+ strcat() string functions strings
+ strinsert() stripaccents() stripansi()
+ strlen() strmatch() strreplace()
+ @su sub() subj()
+ substitutions substitutions2 substitutions3
+ substitutions4 @success success
+ summon suspect @sweep
+ @switch switch() @switch2
+ switch2 switchall() switches
+ switch wildcards t() table()
+ tag() tagwrap() take
+ tan() teach tel()
+ @teleport tel_ok temple
+ terminfo() terse textfile()
For more, see Entries-28
& Entries-28
- vmin() vmul() vrml
- vsub() vunit() wait()
- warnings warnings list warnings list2
- where() whisper whisper2
- who width() wildcards
- wipe() with wizard
- wordpos() words() wrap()
- xget() xor() z_tel
- zemit() zfun() zmo
- zmp zmr zone
+ think time() timefmt()
+ timefmt2 time functions timestring()
+ topics2 topicszq @tport
+ tr() track_money translation
+ transparent transparent2 @trigger
+ trigger() @trigger2 trim()
+ trimpenn() trimtiny() trunc()
+ trust type() types2
+ types of objects u() u2
+ ucstr() udefault() @ufail
+ ufun() ufun2 uldefault()
+ ulocal() ulocal2 @ulock
+ @undestroy unfindable @unfollow
+ unfollow unidle_times() uninspected
+ @unlink @unlock @unrecycle
+ unregistered updiv() @uptime
+For more, see Entries-29
+& Entries-29
+ @uptime2 @use use
+ user-defined2 user-defined commands utctime()
+ utility functions @uunlock v()
+ vadd() val() valid()
+ vcross() vdim() vdot()
+ @verb @verb2 @verb3
+ @verb4 verbose verbs
+ @version version() v-function
+ visible() visual vmag()
+ vmax() vmin() vmul()
+ vrml @vrml_url vsub()
+ vtattr() vtcount vtcount()
+ vtcreate() vtdestroy vtlcon()
+ vtloc() vtlocate() vtm
+ vtmaster() vtname() @vtplural
+ vtref vtref() @vts
+For more, see Entries-30
+& Entries-30
+ vts vts functions vttel()
+ vunit() @wait wait()
+ @wait2 @wall @warnings
+ warnings @warnings2 @warnings3
+ warnings list warnings list2 @wcheck
+ where() @whereis whisper
+ whisper2 who width()
+ wildcards @wipe wipe()
+ with wizard @wizmotd
+ @wizwall wordpos() words()
+ wrap() xget() xor()
+ @zclone zclone_ok @zemit
+ zemit() @zenter zfun()
+ @zleave zmo zmp
+ zmr zone zone()
zone master objects zone master rooms zone masters
- zone objects zone() zones
- zones2
+For more, see Entries-31
+& Entries-31
+ zone objects zones zones2
+ z_tel
& &Entries